These leather bags are made from materials that are carefully crafted and of unique quality. Your top 3 concerns ought to be cleaning, how to condition, and how to store your leather bag.
Many are made of faux leather and embellished with metal accessories or detailing. Any incidental marks, tonal changes and/or textural variances are part of the materials’ natural characteristics and should not be seen as imperfections.
Keep your leather in top condition by following these simple tips to extend their life.
- Keep your bags away from direct or excessive exposure to humidity, liquids, heat and sunlight. Exposure to these elements may cause permanent wear and tear.
- Excessive friction and contact with oily substances, such as cosmetics or solvents, may cause damage, colour fading or colour transfer to light-coloured garments and surfaces.
- Use a soft, damp cloth to clean stains, dust or dirt. Be sure you’re cleaning your leather bag with clean hands. Leather bags are susceptible to absorbing grease and oil.
- To prevent flaking and wrinkling, apply leather conditioner to a soft cloth and gently rub over entire bag.
- Avoid getting your product wet. In the event that it does, let it air dry away from direct sunlight and heat.

- When not in use, store your bags in a box or a protective dust bag in a cool, dry place.
- Stuff your leather handbag with bubble wrap or parchment paper (but not newspaper, as it will smear) to restore and hold its shape.